
Experimentation has options, not roadmaps


Let’s revisit again what a product roadmap is. Fundamentally it is a commitment to a given horizon. However, during experimentation it is challenging to answer: “how much learning time per problem do we give ourselves?” ... [read more]

Product or Experiments?


Words matter. We use them to express thoughts, feelings, and actions. They shape the way we perceive the world and take part within it.

I was keen to unravel ‘product’ from a creator’s perspective to further unite our understanding. ... [read more]

Experimentation is the new purpose


After over two years without writing I have a new direction. Experimentation.

Here’s how it happened. ... [read more]

An Alternative to MVP


When thinking about how to turn an idea into reality, many terms come to mind ... [read more]

Purpose Driven Product Development


Product development can be described as an elastic relationship that impacts many disciplines and stakeholders. For example, Business demands predictability and Product Development Teams seek autonomy to drive execution and further grow identity. ... [read more]



How can we stay in touch with reality to allow for infinite possibilities? I aim to inspire, think differently and challenge traditional ideas. [read more]