
My experiment library unveiled


Cooks use knives. Carpenters use hammers. And experimenters use experiment libraries.

Since childhood I have enjoyed libraries. I never thought I would create my own library. Not with books, but with experiments. ... [read more]

Buzz vs Validation


It is easy to get excited about one’s ideas. That excitement increases with comments like “I like it!” and “radical idea!” from friends, colleagues and potential customers. You get a buzz. ... [read more]

Liberating Structures reflections


Recently I had the opportunity to enjoy a 2 day Liberating Structures (LS) workshop event in London, UK, … ... [read more]

Reflections on a team-based conference


If software product delivery is driven by teams, why are team-based conferences not the rule? ... [read more]

Top 3 DevOps Practices


DevOps is the special forces of software development. Its mission is to breakdown barriers between development and operations to unlock benefits in how we design, develop, deploy and support software. ... [read more]



How can we stay in touch with reality to allow for infinite possibilities? I aim to inspire, think differently and challenge traditional ideas. [read more]