
My experiment library unveiled


Cooks use knives. Carpenters use hammers. And experimenters use experiment libraries.

Since childhood I have enjoyed libraries. I never thought I would create my own library. Not with books, but with experiments. ... [read more]

The shaping of


This is the first of three parts to share the journey from thoughtland to reality. Part 1 focuses on the process of shaping. ... [read more]

Embracing ambiguity in experimentation


We prefer options that are known to us.

The ambiguity effect is a cognitive bias that describes how we tend to avoid options that we consider to miss information. It can cause companies to remain committed to failing systems, rather than opting for improvement. ... [read more]

Liberating Structures reflections


Recently I had the opportunity to enjoy a 2 day Liberating Structures (LS) workshop event in London, UK, … ... [read more]

Purpose Driven Product Development


Product development can be described as an elastic relationship that impacts many disciplines and stakeholders. For example, Business demands predictability and Product Development Teams seek autonomy to drive execution and further grow identity. ... [read more]



How can we stay in touch with reality to allow for infinite possibilities? I aim to inspire, think differently and challenge traditional ideas. [read more]